The Mediumship Class

The Mediumship Class


The dead come to me for me

…and they come to me during a session for you. When it’s for me, they come in quiet moments and only occasionally in anguished moments. Twice in anguish, as a matter of fact, coming to comfort and to share the anguish.

I’ll tell those stories and more, and teach you a simple step-by-step process to set your intention and connect with those who love us.

For me, the dead have been part of my earliest memories, as guides and companions and protectors. The only member of this quiet race who ever frightened me was in the years before I was about five or six: a knight in full armor, who stood at attention, always, just outside my bedroom door. Many, many years later, I had a vision in which I was shown that I always have had a protector assigned to me, and that knight was the first among them.

When it’s for you, it’s bright and lovely and encouraging. You see, certain of your relatives care about you. They are watching and listening in moments when you are quiet or, like me, anguished. 

And, don’t worry, they have no interest in invading your privacy. Respecting your privacy is a thing with these benevolent presences.

Would you like to begin connecting with them? And learn how to develop your awareness of them? Maybe for yourself, or your friend who might need comfort or guidance or encouragement, maybe for a client, if you do that kind of thing.

Maybe you’re going to be writing and recording your exchanges to share with others. Maybe you’re going to draw upon the expertise of a relative now passed as you hone your creative skill in painting or woodworking, needle craft or music, writing or singing or dancing or growing things.

Maybe it’s time for you to expand your world, and include, as James Joyce wrote, “... all the living and the dead.”

Come to a class on Mediumship this Saturday, from 1 to 4 p.m. MST, February 15, 2025. I know I’m not giving you much notice but I acted as a medium with a lovely woman, the mother of a client, and I wonder if it is she who is demanding that I do this.


And maybe someone in your world, non-physical but powerful nonetheless, is demanding that you take it. And maybe the timing will be perfect for you and for them.