

Free Workshop Registration


Access Your Intuition - A FREE 5-day Workshop Challenge

Access Your Intuition is a 5-day challenge to expand your consciousness, discover your inner world, and access your intuition. From Intuitive Life Coach Fran Gallaher and Really Flourish LLC.

Day 1: Understand what intuition is, that you have it, how it works, and what blocks it

Day 2: Learn a simple, but powerful, method of meditation and how it can begin to open your awareness to your intuition

Day 3: Uncover the process of social conditioning and why it has kept you from both your intuition and your authentic self

Day 4: Discover your inner senses, learn about the power of your attention as well as the power of relaxed inattention

Day 5: Meet the three guides to both your intuition and your most authentic self

Includes private Facebook group.

The Challenge begins Monday, January 25th* - ONLINE

*REGISTRATION ENDS @ 8AM on January 25th.